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Vladimir Moss: The Reunification of the Russian Church

From the year 2000, as the Synod of ROCOR began officially to accept the canonicity of the MP and initiated union talks with it, the Church both inside and outside of Russia that remained faithful to the truth began to separate into so-called “splinters” (oskolki), small Synods not in communion with each other. Most of them claimed that their canonical existence, like that of ROCOR, was based on Patriarch Tikhon’s ukaz no. 362. Read more →

Vladimir Moss: The mission of ROCOR and the Catacomb Church - a historical retrospective of the development of relationships

The thesis of this Report is that since its foundation in 1920 the Russian Church Abroad has remained on the right path as long as it has acknowledged itself to be a part of the True Russian Church in the Homeland and has rejected three temptations: (A) the temptation of ecumenism coming from outside the Russian Church, (B) the temptation of recognizing the false sergianist church of the Sovietized Moscow Patriarchate as the “Mother Church” in the Homeland, and (C) the temptation of recognizing itself as having dominion over the True Church inside Russia. I shall examine each of these temptations in turn, from a historical point of view. Read more →

Bishop Philaretos (Klimkitis): Mene, Tekel, Peres: The Synod of Kolymvari, Crete of 2016 and the Unrest of Some “World Orthodox”

In this informative critique of the so-called “Great" and “Holy” Council that was held in Kolymvari of Crete in the year 2016, I will attempt to explain why this council caused unrest even though nothing really novel for the “World Orthodox” was discussed in this meeting. We will analyse this Synod starting from its supposed goals, the idiosyncratic reaction of the conservative “World Orthodox” to this Synod, and the futile interim of those who remain in “World Orthodoxy”. And finally we will demonstrate how this council gives victory to the sagacious stand of the True Orthodox. Read more →

Protopresbyter Victor Melehov: Is There Grace in the Moscow Patriarchate? And Other Related Points of Confusion Generated by Soviet Propaganda

The purpose of this article is to address a number of related questions and topics regularly demonstrated to be of concern to people previously from the Moscow Patriarchate (MP), currently in the Moscow Patriarchate, or, as is the case today, people formerly within the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) and, since 2007, unconditionally joined to the Moscow Patriarchate by Metropolitan Laurus (ROCOR-MP). The common thread of these three groups is their relationship to the Moscow Patriarchate. Read more →

Declaration of Autonomy from The Most Reverend Stefan, Bishop of North-American Diocese ROCOR

11/24 ноября 2015 г. Преосвященнейший Стефан, епископ Северо-Американский, опубликовал Заявление, в котором объявил, что Северо-Американская Епархия переходит на автономное управление, его Преосвященство выходит из состава Синода РИПЦ и председатель синода РИПЦ архиепископ Тихон далее не будет поминатся в храмах Северо-Американской епархии за богослужениями. Read more →

The Holy Synod discussed the union of the two Greek synods - Greek TOC and the Greek Synod in Resistance

Assessing this alliance, where the confession of Faith was allowed to suffer a fall, as a loss of continuity with previous decisions of the Synod of the Greek TOC, and given the schismatic nature of the Synod in Resistance, the Synod of the RTOC continues to consider the present confession of Faith and the canonical status of the Greek TOC as being flawed. Read more →

Protopresb. Victor Melehov: A Commentary on the Union Between The GTOC and The Greek Synod in Resistance (Cyprianites)

In considering the recent union between the synod of the GTOC under Archbishop Kallinikos and the Synod in Resistance (Cyprianites), or for that matter, the possible union of any of the Greek synods since the wholesale apostasy of the Greek Church in 1924, and the subsequent emergence of the many competing True Orthodox synods, one might consider that a miraculous event has transpired. If, on the other hand, all that has occurred was a merger between a True Orthodox synod and a heretical synod, we have witnessed a tragedy, or another apostasy. As the saying goes; adding clean water to polluted water does not cleanse the polluted water. It merely pollutes the clean water. Read more →

Cyprianism: Crypto-Ecumenism – The Heresy of Our Days

At first glance, Cyprianism appears to offer a “middle-of-the-road” ecclesiology to those seeking to avoid harshly judging “World Orthodoxy,” from Sergianism to the “New Calendar,” to Ecumenism. In certain cases, the ecclesiology of Cyprianism offers special solace to those coming to True Orthodox jurisdictions from “World Orthodoxy” jurisdictions. For many such clergy and laity, it is difficult to admit that they were in error to the extent that they were not in the True Church of Christ. Without giving serious thought to the consequences of their self-contradicting ecclesiology, they console themselves with the erroneous perspective that they left a flawed or ailing church to join a purer version – a True Orthodox jurisdiction. This error not only impedes their own salvation, but it also infects the True Orthodox jurisdiction with the virus of “Crypto-Ecumenism.” Read more →

Protopresbyter Victor Melehov: The Union of the Disparate Parts of the Once Single Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

There have been a number of articles and letters recently published and circulated on the internet which address the different parts of the Russian Church (i.e., those standing in opposition to the Moscow Patriarchate and its newly acquired ROCOR (under Met. Hilarion). They call upon these groups to come together and unite as one body of hierarchs and faithful. Certain authors have been critical of the bishops of these disparate jurisdictions, accusing them of personal ambitions, personality flaws, or even fanaticism or extremism. Others have blamed the current stalemate condition on certain clergy for their strict Orthodox perspectives and interpretations. Read more →

Church Life. Periodicals of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church.
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