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Synod of Bishops Russian True Orthodox Church

By a conciliar decision on June 24 / July 7, 2005 Archbishop Tikhon (Pasechnik) of Omsk and Siberia was elected President of the Hierarchical Synod of RTOC.

Today in the Russian True Orthodox Church in the Homeland following Dioceses are operating:

Also under the omophorion of the RTOC Synod  following ROCOR Dioceses, Deaneries and Missions are active:

The ruling organ of the RTOC is the Hierarchical Synod, which is composed of five bishops:

Protopresbyter Victor Melehov, Secretary Synod 








Church Life. Periodicals of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church.
For quoting a link on "Church Life" is obligatory.